Enabling mutual learning
what's new
Handbook available
The courses of our learning platform are also available in a handbook. The general focus lays on transformations, upheavals and profound changes in the history of 6 countries.
Speaking about differences
Exchange on the emerging learning platform about transformations in the past in Europe, but also on the idea to share the different opinions on current conflicts and the future we want to see for our continent.
Bringing History to Life
Workshop in Málaga in the beginning of April 2022: interactive history learning in a European horizon with regard to personal experiences, society dimensions and questions for today. Inspiring again.
War and peace
Event in Berlin on 15th September 2022 to present the learning platform. Two guest speakers then discussed about the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648 and peace today. In the Ukraine, in the world. Lessons learned? Which ones?
HERstories ...
… in times of transformation. During its symposium on 20th October 2022, Dr. Kamila Witerska presented her courses of the learning platform on Women in Poland in the 1990s. An exchange about memories that still move today.
Terrorism in Spain
Workshop in Málaga in the beginning of April 2022: interactive history learning in a European horizon with regard to personal experiences, society dimensions and questions for today. Inspiring again.
Questions left
Population exchange: Greeks in Minor Asia were forced to settle in Greece, Turkish people in Greece had to move to Turkey. The national state as a political invention, nothing new, and the Treaty of Lausanne from 1923. Inspirations for today.
Different memories
Event of the DAH theatre in Belgrade/Serbia on the role of theatre in preserving memory and thinking the future. An exchange about the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and its long shadows until today, and others.
How to make peace?
The event of the Helinä Rautavaraa Museum on 30/11/2023 was dedicated to a ‚hot‘ topic of our times: “How to bring peace to Ukraine – What can a single person do for peace?” Interactive methods from the project were applied.

For learners and teachers
A learning platform
Get inspired by a unique platform for history learning, created for you by scientists and adult educators from six European countries.
The platform provides support on two levels:
(a) educational information in language that is accessible to all,
(b) in depth information and educational tools and activities, for adult educators or those who want to deepen their knowledge.
Erasmus, Dutch humanist
Who was the namesake of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union? An “intellectual star” of his time and inspirator until today.
The myth of Europe
There is an unlovely love story about the orign of Europe. It is part of the Greek mythology. Find out more about the rape of Zeus and the woman “Europe”.
Reflections on history

In short
What is it about? Overview of the two-year cooperation between partner organisations from six countries. |
Erasmus+ for Adults
The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union enables adult educators as well as adult learners to make learning experiences abroad and to share ideas, experiences and knowledge. In addition, adult education organisations may develop innovative material together, share its didactical competencies and create European networks. For more info see the website of the National Agency in your country, https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/contact/national-agencies_en
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